Transport in Zitácuaro City

Zitácuaro City, Michoacán, México.

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Zitácuaro is a little city in Michoacán, México, it is a place, where you can find a lot of things, the food is fantastic and it have turistics places and historical places. Also It is called «City of the Independence», because it had an very important role in the independence of Mexico, here was the first independent government in those years, it was called «Suprema Junta Nacional Americana» and it was the August 19th of 1811. FFor this reason has historic places like «Mora del Cañonazo» and «Cerrito de la independencia». Also has the «Mercado Benito Juarez» where you can find a lot of food like Mole Rojo, Mole Verde, Flautas, Pambazos, Tacos, Corundas, Quesadillas and bread, or traditional candies. It is a  beatiful place to live.

Transport in Zitácuaro.

Zitacuaro is a medium city, so we have some ways to transporting, the main are:

  • Bus.
  • Combis
  • Taxi
  • Bikes



We have the «Omnibus Terminal», it is the place where you can find buses to go to other cities, mainly to go to Morelia City, Toluca and México City. This station have more than 30 destinies and diferent routes. It is the best way to come to zitacuaro. You can buy your tickets next to bus stops and it is the cheapest way to travel from zitacuaro to other cities, but it can be tired and bored in long travels.


The best way to get around the city is in «Combis», it is a public transport that have more than 30 routes in the city, it consist in a Volkswagen, able to travel with 10 to 15 people at the same time. It is the cheapest way to travel in the city, you can go from side to side with a few money. For example you can go from the «Mercado Benito Juarez» to «Cerrito de la independencia» with only $7.00. And actually there are routes for all the city, the little towns around, and all the schools and government buildings. Can be uncomfortable but is cheaper than taxis.


Maybe the most confortable way to travel in Zitacuaro, but also the most expensive, the travel less expensive cost $25.00 for short travels, only in the town, and then the cost is less cheaper for go to other places. There are more or less 15 sites taxi, the safest are «Radio Taxi Zitacuaro», «Radio Taxi Nueva Imagen», «Radio Taxi Colibri» and «Radio Taxi Monarca».

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Right now the bicycle path, is building in the main street of the city, Revolution lane and it will be in the City Center.

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  • You are welcome to Zitacuaro and Enjoy your visit.